Saturday, 31 August 2013

Lightning arrester are the life saviours!

This year's monsoon has been very aggressive in terms of torrential down pour and thunder lightning. I was through a highway in this heavy rain where unfortunately my car broke down and I had to take shelter in a nearby construction zone. The manager at the premise was generous enough to provide me shelter and with a cup of tea, we began to talk about the growing hazards in the construction segment.

The manager confessed that with growing infrastructure projects, there has been a consistent pressure on the businesses to deliver quick results and therefore, at most of the time safety of the workers gets ignored. Each year in India about 500 workers die at the construction site due to lack of safety. Our conversation was stopped when a lightning struck the construction site and every one was in a state of shock. On regaining composure, the manager assured me with being safe as he pointed his fingers towards a lightning arrester which was placed at a distance. It looked similar to this.

It structure looked like an man made tree branch from pure copper and carried the function of transmitting the lightning to the ground with safety.
Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident and assured that everyone was at their normal state. in the mean time, the rain has also diminished and my car was all ready to move. I personally feel that every incident happens for a reason and this incident showed me another life saver for people.

Monday, 12 August 2013

A note on Lightning arrester

Lightning arrester is a form of tool which protects buildings from the impact of thunder and lightning. The tool is developed with pure copper which ensures that the external impact is maintained at the minimum level. It comes in a form of tapered tip which is installed at the top most position of the lightning arrester whereby the lightning strike can be arrested and then be transmitted to the ground with ease.

These arresters are usually supported by a solid base which is efficient enough to dismiss the received energy with ease. This channel allows people to maintain utmost safety in their operations. Use of such products is very common in adverse climatic regions.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

A note form a Copper bonded rod manufacturer

Over the years construction business has come up as a major injection in development of an economy. Today all developed countries make wide spread construction for strengthening their infrastructure and hence gain a solid base for their economy’s growth.

Infrastructure development basically compromises of two phases- quality blueprint and quality materials. Quality blueprint is the courtesy of efficient entrepreneurs whereas quality material for construction is the courtesy of ISG Globals. The company specializes in producing highly durable copper bonded rods that perform exceptionally well during construction periods. The materials are made from highly quality copper that provides better results and more rigidity to the construction process.
With more research and development, the introduction of lightening arrester manufacturer has also helped the construction areas and other places which are at the risk of being affected by lightening and thunder. The lightening arrester act as catalysts to lightening and absorbs the shock without distributing it at hazard levels. These rods are good performers in adverse weather conditions as a result of which they are extensively used in higher regions.

When asked form a construction engineer, he said, “Construction line is a very dangerous field. One has to maintain utmost precision while laying every step. Any failure in such regard can result into tremendous loss of both human and resources. Copper bonded rod manufacturers have done well over the years to provide us with good quality rods such that construction can be much safer than before. Additionally, the assistance from lightening arrester manufacturers has kept us from adverse weather situations.” The confidence of the construction industry has no doubt attained greater heights now a day as they are exposed to better solution at reasonable cost. Quality is everything and therefore, there should not be any deviation in such respect.