Saturday, 31 August 2013

Lightning arrester are the life saviours!

This year's monsoon has been very aggressive in terms of torrential down pour and thunder lightning. I was through a highway in this heavy rain where unfortunately my car broke down and I had to take shelter in a nearby construction zone. The manager at the premise was generous enough to provide me shelter and with a cup of tea, we began to talk about the growing hazards in the construction segment.

The manager confessed that with growing infrastructure projects, there has been a consistent pressure on the businesses to deliver quick results and therefore, at most of the time safety of the workers gets ignored. Each year in India about 500 workers die at the construction site due to lack of safety. Our conversation was stopped when a lightning struck the construction site and every one was in a state of shock. On regaining composure, the manager assured me with being safe as he pointed his fingers towards a lightning arrester which was placed at a distance. It looked similar to this.

It structure looked like an man made tree branch from pure copper and carried the function of transmitting the lightning to the ground with safety.
Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident and assured that everyone was at their normal state. in the mean time, the rain has also diminished and my car was all ready to move. I personally feel that every incident happens for a reason and this incident showed me another life saver for people.

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